My New Project: Happy Impact
I recently realized I'm not as happy as I used to be and I need a dedicated Happiness project! There are many reasons, but some of them are that I can no longer travel as much as I wanted to and I'm not sure about the reason. Maybe I'm missing the right people but the truth is that I've stopped doing it a long time ago. I realized a couple of things about myself recently: one of them is that I'm no longer happy with the "passions" I have and I feel like they're fake and don't show the real me to myself. It's like I'm living someone else's life, someone older and much more boring. And I'm not boring. Never been. So, to start afresh a wild year full of happiness, here is my plan: every day I'm going to do at least one thing to make me happy and have an impact. These are my two conditions. And eating ice-cream or chocolate for example doesn't count! It's something I will forget about in a couple of seconds while what ...