Wake Up! - Varvara Day 2
Had a second day at the Wake Up beach. It is amazing and I couldn't stop myself from visiting it again. This time the water was not as clean as the previous day, however the place was still as wild and great! As I have already tried the yoga, this time I decided that I can skip it and try something new instead. Krassen still had a group and everyone is always welcomed to join, it's a very open event, however I was not in a workout mode. Instead I wanted to take a walk on the cliffs and be able to enjoy the view from there! Looked amazing! I also like to try something new and see a different view or the same from a different angle as this gives amazing opportunities. Taking a walk on the cliffs on the left, I followed a path between the trees and bushes and if you follow it to the end you will be able to enjoy the same view - there is a very small secluded area where the sea touches the shore and manages to transform the rocks into pebb...